(Rule 17)
WHEREAS an industrial dispute between ____________________ and ______________ has been referred to this Board of Conciliation for investigation and settlement/court of inquiry for investigation/Labour Court/Tribunal/National Tribunal for adjudication under section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, you are hereby summoned to appear before the Board/Court/Labour Court/Tribunal/National Tribunal in person on the _____________ day of ___________ at ________ o’clock noon to answer all material questions relating to the said dispute and you are directed to produce on that day all the books, papers and other documents and things in your possession or under control in any way relating to the matter under investigation by this Board/Court/Labour Court/Tribunal/National Tribunal.
Chairman/Secretary/Presiding Officer
Board of Conciliation/Court of Inquiry/Labour Court/Tribunal/National Tribunal